6th Global Congress on Vaccines and Vaccination

Dear Colleagues, Greetings form Global Vaccines Congress 2019!! The purpose of this letter is to formally invite you for collaboration with 6th Global Congress on Vaccines and Vaccination. The event is scheduled to take place in Dubai, UAE during December 11-12, 2019. Through the theme- Recent advances and novel strategies in Vaccines & Vaccination In this context, I would like to put forward a proposal for Mutual Collaboration for above mentioned event; it’s a barter based media partnership, wherein we place your society Logo on our organization webpage & conversely you do the same. There are no financial obligations involved in this proposal. We would be delighted to have you with us. For more details: http://firsturl.de/s74030R We are happy to provide you with the following benefits: • Logo and Link of your organization website in the Conference website. • One complimentary congress registration. • Recognition listing in the final conference program/proceedings. • Verbal recognition at the Inaugural Ceremony. • Opportunity to take over and organize interested scientific track (s) / session (s) if any. • Discounts on registration fee to your members. • Raise your profile and shape your corporate image with logo placement. • Recognition listing in the final conference program. • Advertisement of specific products/services through our website. The only concern of mine is to show your Remarkable services towards Vaccines and Vaccination for all our Eminent Delegates, Speakers, Exhibitors, Sponsors, Collaborators, and Participants etc. of our conferences Please send your society logo that we can keep on homepage of our website. I would be glad to assist you with any queries. We appreciate your time. Look forward to hearing from you. Have a nice day! Thanks & Regards, Marcella Smith | Program Manager Global Vaccines Congress 2019 47 Churchfield Road, London, W3 6AY, United Kingdom, Phone : +44-203-769-1755 Whatsapp: +44-156-254-8899

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